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Business Structure

Franchise Accounting Servi

The business structure you operate your franchise through can have a significant impact on your tax position and personal exposure. So, it is important to carefully consider the structure you will use.

We can help set up your:

  • Company Structure, or
  • Trust Structure, or
  • Business name for Sole Trader operation.

Each of these have different legal consequences and should be considered carefully before you get them established.

Our Tax Services include:

  • Tax registrations, when you first get started. This includes your ABN, TFN, GST, PAYG, etc
  • Tax Return preparation, Income Tax, GST, BAS  and Fringe Benefits Tax returns,
  • Tax Planning session

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” Albert Einstein (pic)

Download our Information Sheet on the key elements of Income Tax and Tax Planning (no need to provide your email address – we won’t spam you).

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